

the smiles

the subtle voice
the calling
the knowing
the here
the now
the span
the belief
the allowance


"Are you satisfied?"

He asked.
No man would ever dare to ask that unless they knew the answer that would follow. Whispering it to his lover, breathing it into her ear. Touching her face watching her preparing to speak. Allowing her to find her answer deep inside. Laying there waiting in silence. Watching her eyes searching for feelings, fulfilled passion. Naked, exposed. Asking to confirm the feelings are real. Of course he knew the answer he had made it his mission to know her, to learn her, to memorize her. Asking this question knowing the answer, but asking it so she knew her choices were important to him. He wanted to know more if there was more, they would find it, loosely tangled in each others lives. Room to grow.



peering the eye sees only a fraction
the one inside
has the power
the invisible boundary
manifests at the door
twisting, the key, sealed
why is it the senses are piqued
when the view is limited
more, more, more
greed, lust, apathy, danger
what happens behind the door
isn't common
nothing can be assumed
create the focus
watching a person that doesn't know they
are being watched
slide a letter under the door
change the awareness


depict dissociation

If I snip right here is this where I'm bound?
If I remove the top layer does the chasm appear?
Will I look into nothing and see you, in a faraway place.
Doing the things that you do.
Undetectable by your human senses
in a place the air is still
will motion dissociate from the laws of physics
in a place that my thoughts can't escape.
If I could shut off my presence like a switch
and vanish, would you notice?
I'm curious, but I don't care to know
that emptiness anymore
It took effort to ignore me
Was it fun
Did it feel good?
Was that what you needed?
a name confirmed, made one
It feels like a wedge
is being driven into me
splitting me in two
take the doubt and worry



Let me get out of your way.
--You're not in my way.
I feel like I am.
I feel like I'm holding you here.
You're a star, you should be up there really high.
Not down here where I am.
--I'm here for me, I want to be here.
I don't want to share this.
I want to be greedy.
I feel like I only get a part of you, and they get the rest.
--No, you get all of me, and they get an illusion.
--You know my heart, they see what they hope to see.
I find it hard to be gracious, when things are like this.
When I hear things other than what is being said.
When I see things other than what is before me.
You have beautiful hands.
I always took a hostage to gauge my progress.
--I can see through you, I can see life through you.
--I can't see through them they are full of themselves.
I feel like I took you hostage.
Now it's me that's captured.
Strange how life presents itself over time.