


Let me get out of your way.
--You're not in my way.
I feel like I am.
I feel like I'm holding you here.
You're a star, you should be up there really high.
Not down here where I am.
--I'm here for me, I want to be here.
I don't want to share this.
I want to be greedy.
I feel like I only get a part of you, and they get the rest.
--No, you get all of me, and they get an illusion.
--You know my heart, they see what they hope to see.
I find it hard to be gracious, when things are like this.
When I hear things other than what is being said.
When I see things other than what is before me.
You have beautiful hands.
I always took a hostage to gauge my progress.
--I can see through you, I can see life through you.
--I can't see through them they are full of themselves.
I feel like I took you hostage.
Now it's me that's captured.
Strange how life presents itself over time.

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